Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Library Workers' Skill Share Event

* What? Library Workers' Skill Share
* When? Tuesday, July 13 from 4:30pm - 7:00pm
* Where? Brooklyn Public Library, Central Library
* Why? An effort to provide support for all library workers in NYC who are job hunting, unemployed, facing potential layoffs or simply looking to freshen up their skills

"Locating and Using Local Career Development Opportunities", Tom Nielsen from the Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO)
"E-Portfolios and Profiles: Using Free Web Tools to Prepare for the Job Market", Susanne Markgren from ACRL/NY
Speed mentoring sessions: Meet one-on-one with library workers from academic, special, medical and public libraries for advice and networking - arrive early to sign up for a time slot
Resume review roundtables
Spotlight sessions
Networking and resource tables: Meet with representatives from various associations and agencies and find out about available resources and services
And much more!

This is a free event. Please register by July 6 at http://tinyurl.com/libraryworkersevent

The Library Workers' Skill Share event is sponsored by the New York Chapter of SLA, the Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO), ACRL/NY and REFORMA Northeast.

Monday, June 14, 2010

HealthCampNYC Recap

A month ago, we had an amazing regional health unconference - HealthCampNYC: Using Collective Knowledge to Improve Health Literacy and Community Health. Over 85 people attended and participated in over 24 discussion sessions throughout the day. Check out pictures and discussion notes from the day on the HealthCampNYC wiki.