We are seeking volunteers to take part in a usability study examining the accessibility of the American Library Association (ALA) website for individuals using assistive devices. The ideal participant would be a member of ALA who requires an assistive device to access the Internet. Participants will be able to take the test at their own locations, and on their own devices. The study will run during March, April and May of 2010. The results of the study will contribute to a report that will lead to improvements in accessibility of ALA’s website.
If you are interested in participating in this usability study, or can assist us in recruiting suitable participants, please email us at accessibilitytesting [ at ]
Thank you,
Chelle Batchelor, University of Washington Libraries
Lisa Chow, Brooklyn Public Library
Cynthia Matthias, Hennepin County Library
Jennifer Rutner, Columbia University Libraries
ALA Emerging Leaders 2010
Team K: Usability-Accessibility Test