Friday, May 15, 2009

Keep Your Library Open

"If education and information are going to provide the means as America digs itself out the great big hole we are in, the public library is handing out the shovels. Cut or kill the libraries and you yank away a shovel" (Libraries Are America's Lifelines. Leave Them Alone).

New York City libraries are facing a 22% budget cut (Library Journal). This would mean:
  • Over 900 library employees would be laid off
  • Many neighborhood libraries would be closed on the weekends
  • Less programs such as storytime, computer workshops, workshops on resume, interviewing, and job searching, book discussions, health workshops, etc.
  • Less books, DVDs, CDs, magazines, e-books, audiobooks, databases, etc.
What you can do:
  • Write to your City Council Member.
  • Find out more ways to take action to save NYC libraries.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

BPL Sibshop Workshops

Over 60 people attended last week's Sibshop workshop series, hosted by Brooklyn Public Library, The Child's Place for Children with Special Needs. This was the first time the training has been offered in a library and one of the very few times it was offered without charge. Sibshops are workshops for children and teens who have a sibling or siblings with special needs. The two-day workshop series was conducted by Don Meyer, Director of the Sibling Support Project. Find out more about Sibshops.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Save NYC Public Libraries

All three library systems - Brooklyn Public Library, New York Public Library, and Queens Library are facing budget cuts in the coming fiscal year, which starts in July. Please take a moment and sign the petition to save NYC public libraries.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Workshops on Sibling Issues & Sibshop Model This Friday & Saturday

What: Workshops on Sibling Issues and Sibshop Model Training
When: Friday, May 8 and Saturday,May 9
Where: Brooklyn Public Library (Brooklyn, New York)
Who: Siblings, parents, families, service providers, and anyone interested in sibling issues

Workshop Details:

Friday, May 8 from 9am-4pm

  • Brothers & Sisters of People with Special Needs: Unusual Concerns, Unusual Opportunities
  • A Panel of Brothers & Sisters
  • Sibshops: Getting Started

Saturday, May 9 from 9am-3pm

  • Demonstration Sibshop

* No need to register at this point, just show up. More information